Tentative plans made for this year, and none of them involve wordcount.
The first is to be more proactive about keeping track of deadlines, to which end I have a wall calendar on which I write them as I find them, and a running list in my bullet journal of the ones for the current and following month. The plan is to pick a deadline to write for each month, which should net me 12 new or completed pieces of work by the end of the year (January's deadline being to finish editing a poem I drafted last year).
I'm currently taking part in a writing contest over at my online writing group, the aim of which is to produce a new piece of flash every week for five weeks, and another side project with a similar goal. So far this year I've written three stories, one of which is fine as flash and another that needs to be worked into something longer. The third, this week's entry, is awaiting judgement.
The trick will be not to lose momentum when the flash challenge finishes next month, and I think the key will be having so many pieces on the go, in various stages of development, that I'm never stuck with nothing to work on.
I also plan to restart with the Babylon 5 blog posts (without letting them take the place of actual writing), because I did enjoy doing them before I got overwhelmed with stuff. And I need to figure out what I'm doing with my novella, because I'd like to finish it, but clearly working from an outline wasn't working as it killed any love I had for it. I suspect writing the first draft at speed over a short period of time is the way to go, but it's a long time until NaNoWriMo.