Now I've signed the contract, I can share that I've sold the reprint of "A Night of Many Months" to Pseudopod, although I'm not sure yet when it will be out.
In October I went to Bristolcon, my first SFF con experience. I enjoyed the panels and workshops I attended, and meeting new people, but it was heavy on the socialising (as these things are) which I found very tiring after a while. Especially after getting on the train to Bristol at 7am. It was nice to hang around with other writers for a while, and the entertainment was excellent (ever seen a string quartet play while doing the can can?), but I probably should have gone to bed half an hour, maybe even an hour, earlier and by the time I hit my room I was having a full-blown anxiety attack brought on by overtiredness, poor hydration, erratic eating, and too much input in a short space of time.
So, mixed feelings. I enjoyed it and would probably go again, but don't feel the travel and expense of a longer con, or one further away, would be worth it. I definitely won't be doing Worldcon any time soon!
During the course on Finishing Your Novel, I committed to finishing a novella by the end of November. It's a full rework of an older project, so I have a pretty good idea of where it's going, but then I got sidetracked by a story I'd been stuck on - which was an altogether more appealing prospect than slogging my way through an ill-advised outline (although it was an interesting experiment). Then I got sidetracked by projects at home, and preparing for Christmas, and haven't finished either.
I've got some time off over Christmas, so I'm going to spend the time making plans for next year. There are several projects that need time and attention, and I've got several online courses from The Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers to finish. The days when I could rattle out several thousand words a week are long gone - I no longer have the time or energy (free Thursdays not having panned out so far which is something else to address in the new year), so need to get the best out of what I do have.